Tamar Speaks! Teach Talk & Tell Christian African American Program
An Educational Resource Guide
(For Male and Female Teens Ages 12 to 21 Years Old)
Back Book Cover Summary:

This rite of passage program is based on several Holy Scripture Proverb 22:6, Matt 19: 14, Luke 10: 25-37, Jeremiah: 29:11
Tamar Speaks! Teach Talk &Tell African American Christian Rites Of Passage Program: An Educational Resource Guide is based on African culture, heritage and traditions for African American Teenagers male and female (12 to 21 years old). This Rite of Passage program provides a complete curriculum that is designed and develop for the adolescent to have an excellent foundation to successfully meet their needs. The African-American centered rites of passage program is a training resources that will help Educators Churches, Parents, Professionals, Youth Ministries, and Laity to understand the rites of passage process, incorporate African-centered rituals and interactive activities into your program, and develop a better understanding of the social and cultural orientation of African-American males and female teenagers. Providing a wealth of information about the physical, social, emotional, and cultural development of young Black males and females to respond appropriately to answer questions. When a boy does becomes a man? Or when does a girl becomes woman? The African Centered Rites of Passage and Educational resource training guide is for junior High, High School and College students. The African American Males and Females In this book, Rev. Dr. Andrews’s evaluated resources that will adequately address the needs of each Rites of Passage participants in the program. The program provides an effective and educational tools to improve academic performance and self-confidence, and self-esteem among male, and female African American in Junior High, High school and College students. Teens are provided with tools and resources to effectively address the educational needs of each rites of passage participants in the programs. The program provides additional summer components that will be incorporated implemented systems of support to participants by engaging them in the Rites of Passage process. The Christian faith base Rites of Passage for African American teen, resources introduces and supports of a mentoring program that offers African American young men and females with Positive peer group involvement Hands-on skills development and connecting the teen with their African culture heritage and traditions. To develop positive relationship with Christian African American men and women as positive role models in their lives. This educational resource will provides tools and encouragement to help leaders of African American young men and women to experience the joy of supporting and challenging the youth to grow in their Christian walk with the Lord Jesus Christ. To include Christian doctrine for, and to develop a comprehensive leadership and training plan, to complete meeting agendas and directions, as pages unfolds for participants, and an interaction-oriented for elders, interns, volunteers and mentor’s guide.
This resource will introduces and supports mentoring to include: Elders, Mentors, Interns, and Volunteers to facilitate weekly group sessions and plans and organizing the initial retreats and crossover ceremony for the adolescent to make a mature foundation of transformation into young adulthood.