A Theological Perspective of God Grace for the Survivor of Childhood Sexual Abuse Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Presented at Tamar Speaks! 15th Anniversary Award Dinner
 Tamar Speaks!Our theme was A Theological Perspective of God Grace for The Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Guest and Honorees Ms. Dolorse Adams Singer,
Ms. Martha Kamber, Director of The Brooklyn YWCA. and her Assistance, and Dr. Andrews' Intern/Volunteer, New York University
Ms. Lauren Gray- Outlaw, Director of Allen Women's Center. |  Intern/ VolunteerTamar Speaks! Renee of New York University. |
 Theme SongGreat Is Thy Faithfulness |  The GuestThe guest at Tamar Speaks! 15th Anniversary. |
 The HonoreeThe Honorable Evelyn LA porta New York City Criminal Court Judge of Brooklyn New York. |  The GuestFrom the Brooklyn District Attorney Office and Allen Cathedral AME Church. |