Tamar Speaks! Chapter 2, Pastoral Care and Counseling Center

What is Incest, Childhood Sexual Abuse
Incest is the process where a child/children are used to meet the sexual or emotional needs of adult in the same family. It is abuse of power and control in the relationship. Incest may also be committed by older siblings and or a relative. It involves a betrayal of trust. The full responsibility for the violation of incest is place on the adult and /or (the abuser). Children to offer believe the abuse was their fault.
Childhood sexual abuse is the process where a child/children are used to meet the sexual and emotional needs of a trust friend of the family, by a babysitter, teacher, priest, minister, club scout leader, counselor, etc., and /or a stranger. Again, childhood sexual abuse is the full responsibility of the rape belongs to abuser and /or rapist. It is an act of power and control over the child/children (victims) it is the act of betrayal of trust. Today many of our children are easy because they are curious, and eager to please and /or deceive and intimidated. Making them vulnerable to sexual predators. Over 85% of sexually abused children are molested by a family members, or a authority figures only 4% of children under the age of 12 years old are molested by someone they don't know. 20% of the female rape survivors are under 12 years old are raped by their 'FATHERS'. one out of three boys are molested by male relatives. Amount' AFRICAN AMERICAN WOMEN ONE AND FOUR HAVE EXPERIENCED A COMPLETED RAPE BEFORE THE AGE OF 18 YEARS OLD'.
Sexual Assault: is any non-consensus act which is forced by one and/or more person upon another. Rape: is forced vaginal, oral, anal penetration. Stranger Rape: is forced or coerced sexual activities by a person unknown to the victim. Acquaintance Rape: is forced or coerced sexual by a person known by the victim. Date Rape: is one of the most confusing kind of acquaintance rape because some teen and adult males believe that spending money on a woman means she owes him/her for sex at the end of the evening. Partner Rape: is forced coerced sexual activities within a dating or live-in relationship. Marital Rape: is forced or coerced sexual activities within a marriage. In New York State it is against the law for the husband to force or manipulate his wife into having sex. Marital Rape is rarely reported to the criminal justice authorities (Coalition Against Sexual Assault). Gang Rape: is forced or coerced sexual activities by two or more person known or unknown to the victim. Sodomy: is forced anal and /or oral penetration.
Sexual Harassment: is any unwanted sexual behavior either physical or verbal, which embraces, humiliates or intimidates an individuals sexual exploitation by services producers.62% Of pregnant adolescents were sexually abused or sexually assaulted directly leading to their pregnancy. 62% of the female crack addiction were sexually abused or sexually assaulted prior to using the drug. More than 62 % Alcoholics abusers are survivors of incest, childhood sexual abuse, and/or have been sexually assailed as children. 40 % of women in jail are survivors of incest, childhood sexual abuse, and /or been sexually assaulted as children prior to going to jail. 62 % of female prostitutes are survivors of incest, childhood sexual abuse, and /or have been sexually assaulted prior to becoming a prostitutes.

The psychological development in an abusive incestuous family is usually a destructive form of child abuse. It harms the child’s normal development process. Sexual abuse rates are higher than abandonment, neglect, physical abuse, maltreatment, or any other form of abuse.
Care-giver are to provide adequate nurturing and protection for children. When the care givers become the immediate source of danger the child, the child must maneuver psychologically to reestablish some sense of safety, often becoming fearful, unattached, unwilling, anxious, obedient and apprehensive when the when the care giver become unavailable when needed. The incest behavior has manifested according to the developmental stages of the child level of psycho sexual maturity. The child’s developmental level bonding, trust, self-esteem, identity, intimacy and tolerance for distance has been affected by the sexual abuse and as result have lost the security base.
A child who has been sexually abused has not yet established a sense of self as a separated yet interrelated individual who can act independently of an adult figure. In the child’s quest to survive, a child victim of incest experiences a course of development, whether emotional, interpersonal or sexual, that is shared every day with premature sexuality, lack of safety and terror.
The Child can develop below age level. The incest survivors will demonstrate life-long ’SYMPTOMS’ in light of the current recognition of having been a victim/survivor of incest/childhood sexual abuse or adolescent abuse and having encountered disbelief in his/her own family relationship. When survivors disclose the sexual abuse to anyone he/she has probably experienced many of the following symptoms that have actually provided her with coping with her situation. many of the following symptoms that have actually provided her with coping with her situation. personalities, disassociate, repressing and forgetting, splitting or viewing people bad or good or all bad which can lead to multiple many of the following symptoms that have actually provided her with coping with her situation. ting with effects of distancing oneself from what is happening in his/her present environment, controlling or providing a rigid order to perceive chaos in his/her life, creating chaos, getting attention by being the best/worst, being hyper vigilant, turning into every nuance of one’s environment, using humor because as long as one can keep people laughing she/he can keep them at a distance, staying busy to avoid being alone with his/her feelings and or running away.
For more information, please contact:
Tamar Speaks! Chapter 2, Inc. Pastoral Care and Counseling Center ​
Telephone 347-779-6328
Childhood Sexual Abuse is a Crime! and punishable by imprisonment.